
Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Challenging preparation for camp - by Melayka

Our Challenging Preparation for CAMP

My classroom did a class challenge as our preparation for our outdoor education at MERC.

Our Teacher calls it “TRUST CHALLENGE”...3  similar tasks were involved in this challenge. On the first task, students all had to pair up with another pupil in the same class and they labelled themselves, students needed to have number 1 and number 2, no. 1 is the guide and no. 2 is the blind person. The second task: no. 2 has to place their right hand on no.1’s shoulder and no. 1 needed to guide their partner out to the front gate,without stepping on the grass and making sure that no. 2 stays safe and uninjured, once we get to the gate, no. 2 takes over and lead no.1. But this time,we were allowed to go out to the grass, by the car park, by the classrooms, by the top court but not OUT the car park and back to the classroom. The third task: We turned the classroom into an obstacle course and like before, a group of two has numbered themselves 1 and 2 and somebody leads and somebody follows.

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