My recount is about Marshmallow Challenge
we was work as group and we also discussion
about how do we what and how we going to do
our Marshmallow Challenge do we have to finish our
spaghetti or tape or string and when we do the
marshmallow challenge we do and think what things
a going to finish first and then we finish our tape and after
we didn’t finish our spaghetti.
After that we make our marshmallow tall and but
we didn’t make our spaghetti at the top we put our
marshmallow at the top because we not allowed to
use our desk or hand to it and we not allowed to put
marshmallow down the bottom we have to put at the
top and also we do it like a wire that bowl that I look
about our marshmallow challenge.
When we live our marshmallow it was stand after we
move backfired and Vine was landed on desk so the
desk shake because it was Vine fault so after the time was
nearly finish so have no idea how we going to do our
marshmallow challenge because we finish our tape so we
use the string so the marshmallow stand up straight again
and we told Vine to move back that the desk don’t shaking
So we all move back that the desk don’t shake again so
that our marshmallow not fallen down again because we
don’t have time again to fix our marshmallow challenge
and when the time finish our marshmallow didn’t fallen
down and when our teacher come and check our marshmallow
challenge it was 51 high so we a second winner.
The marshmallow challenge we was like really cool
because we like working with a group that the end
of marshmallow challenge.
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