
Thursday, 15 October 2015

Reading is Important!

Why Is Reading Important?

What do you think about reading?
Knowing how to read is really important because it can prepare you for everything in life and you can be a successful person. When you start to read you can increase your brain to think even more. You can read and discover heaps of ideas and big words. If you read a lot you can develop your reading skills and your thinking skills.

When you get a job you have to be a successful person in reading because if not you’ll never know if that job has of paper work there and you have to read them. So if I wasn’t a person that didn’t like to read I’ll start reading. Reading gives us information, reading helps us gain knowledge. The reason why we read every day is because it entertains ourselves.

People read fiction and nonfiction, fiction means those books are made up and nonfiction's is real life events or true story. Books can bring us to a very scary place or it depends what kind of book you’re reading. People read and they work hard. When you read you could go to college, university and get a job, people get those things because they read in their daily lives.

Everybody wants to drive somewhere but you have to read the signs, if you don’t you might get lost,most importantly the stop sign because if we don’t stop we might cause an accident or we could die or get injured including the people that you had a accident with. Reading can be your key to unlock everything in life. When you write you have to go over your writing but you can’t because you can’t read it. When you go shopping you have to read the signs and if you can’t read the labels you don’t know where you’re going.

People can’t play any instruments because they can’t read the notes. Celebrities that are famous wouldn't be the artists they are without reading.  

So what do you guys think about reading?


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