Welcome to Room 8's Blog for 2018. We are an awesome class of Year 6, 7 and 8 students at St Patrick's School in Auckland the'City of Sails' New Zealand. Our teacher is Mrs Dines.
Nga Tahi Tatou Etu - We Stand Together As One
Today for maths we conducted a statistical investigation to find out which camp site we would be going to. The camps that were suggested are Mount Albury (Blue), Lake Waihonu (Red) and Marama Island (Orange). The choice of the camp was in the hands of one dice and my hand. 1 and 6 was Mt. Albury, 2 and 5 Lake Waihonu and 3 and 4 was Marama Island. Mt. Albury won because 1 and 6 was cast the most times. We then recorded it as a Chart.
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